Fisher Wildlife Habitat Decision Aid
Introduction Fishers belong to the weasel family and are a Species at Risk and blue-listed in Canada. In British Columbia it is required for forest and range licensees to create …
Introduction Fishers belong to the weasel family and are a Species at Risk and blue-listed in Canada. In British Columbia it is required for forest and range licensees to create …
In our language there are no words for ‘environment’ because we have always been taught that this is part of our everyday living. Our everyday teachings from our parents, grandparents …
Introduction The St’at’mic are part of The First Nations, their territory expands from North to Churn Creek and South to French Bar; northwest to the headwaters of Bridge River, east …
The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is one of the scarcest mammals in North America as well as the least known of the large carnivores. The species is considered sensitive in the …
Introduction Roosevelt Elk are a subspecies of Elk belonging to the deer family. Elk are an important component of ecosystem biodiversity and have also recreational values. Two behavioural patterns have …
Moose are found throughout B.C. and are an essential component in the ecological balance between predator and prey. A coordinated effort, involving the Provincial Management Technical Team, with input provided …
Introduction A growing road network can have several large impacts on wildlife habitats such as a decrease in populations through collisions and population isolation. Even at low road density it …
Introduction The Harlequin duck is a species that is of conservation concern and sensitive to habitat degradation. Their nonbreeding part of the year they spend in nearshore coastal environments. However, …
Introduction Human activity has resulted in the decline of mammalian carnivores. There is less support for the “meso-carnivores” like badgers than there is for the bigger species like cougars, bears …
The workshop of this project was initiated by the Peace/Williston Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program and the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Biodiversity Branch and aimed to …